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About Us

A church, a community

The Falmouth and Gwenapp Circuit comprises congregations in various communities, and we meet in chapel buildings, community halls, and also at Langholme MHA residential care home.
Our Superintendent Minister is Rev Jonathan Froggatt, and we also have two Supernumerary Ministers.

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'Revive' Group

Revive is a group of people from across the Circuit who gather to encourage each other in faith and discipleship, to explore varied and contemporary worship, and to follow where God leads.

We meet for worship in various locations around the Circuit on a bi monthy, basis at 5.30pm for a 6pm start.


Our services are usually contemporary in style, and music is provided by the Revive Band, with words on a screen so people can sing along. Our gatherings always begin with refreshments – we just love to share food and drink! The evening might also include a speaker or preacher, prayer and bible reading, chat and discussion, questions and answers, a short film or an activity.


It is a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where everyone is welcome.

Contact Deb Goldsworthy for more details:

There is always something going on

Visit our blog to see the latest happenings in the Circuit!

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