Falmouth & Gwennap Methodist Circuit
Our mission statement
The Falmouth & Gwennap Circuit: existing to identify where God is at work, and to join in.
Some information about us
The Circuit comprises congregations in various communities, meeting in chapel buildings, community halls, and Langholme MHA.
Each church has a Church Council, and members, friends and volunteers who worship and serve in their local church and community. Churches are encouraged to work together with other churches and the community.
Our Ministry Team comprises the Superintendent Minister and two Supernumerary Ministers. The Circuit Meeting comprises dedicated staff and elected members, working together to enable the work of God throughout our Circuit, churches and communities, seeking to lead, inspire and support our congregations in mission and ministry.
Our purpose
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. The Methodist Church continues to discern how to live out its calling in a changed and changing world. The ministry of the Church is exercised as Christians together respond to God’s call and discover and use the gifts which the Holy Spirit has given them. In the church we help each other recognise and celebrate our gifts, discern and fulfil our calling, and resource and sustain our witness in a range of different contexts.
In the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit, we aim:
- To practice worship which honours God.
- To tell the good news of Jesus Christ, and to enable people to share their faith stories.
- To encourage discipleship, fellowship and learning in congregations and small groups.
- To care for God’s creation – we are working to become an Eco Circuit.
- To empower and support ministers and lay people in their gifts and ministry.
- To practice good financial stewardship, with a vision for growth and sustainability.
- To engage in activities which speak of God.